Thank you for registering a bike

We have sent you your unique B-number by SMS and email. Please bring this with you after you arrange a time with your chosen drop-off point to bring in your bike. Most of our drop-off points are staffed by volunteers, so please be patient with their response time and availability.

What will happen to my bike?

After our mechanics check the condition of your bike, one of three things will happen:

We will refurbish your bike and donate it to a refugee or person seeking asylum on our waiting list. We'll update you if this happens. If your refurbished bike has resale potential, we may sell it through our charity shop as its proceeds could help multiple refugees on our waiting list. Proceeds from bike sales also allow us to run our programmes like Pedal Power. If the bike is not in adequate condition, we’ll dismantle it and reuse any parts we can to rebuild other bikes. Please try to avoid giving us bikes in very bad shape, as scrapping them comes at a cost to the charity.

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