A member of our Programmes Team, Patrick Turpin, is planning a unique endurance cycling challenge for June 2024, and he wants YOU to join him…
On Saturday 22 June 2024, I will be riding 340km (210miles) in one day, from Dieppe in Normandy to Saint Malo in Brittany – all in aid of The Bike Project – and you’re invited to join me! What better way to spend the longest day of the year?
This smash-and-grab across Northern France will set off around 4.30am – straight off the ferry – and we’ll go for as long as it takes to get to Saint Malo (visiting a few boulangeries along the way).
Sunset is at 10.15pm, so we’ll agree a meeting spot in Saint Malo, get some food, and cheer each other over the line as we finish. I’m planning to spend the night in the town, before getting the first ferry back to Portsmouth on Sunday morning. See below for planned route, rider’s guide, FAQs, and registration form.
UPDATE – I have also planned a shorter version of the same ride – 160km from Dieppe to Caen. Please see the rider’s guide below for info.
When and where?
Saturday 22nd June 2024
Start: 4.30am – Dieppe
Finish: Approx. 9pm (sunset, 10.15pm) – Saint Malo
How much will the whole thing cost?
Core costs will come to approximately £170, broken down as the following…
£50+ Hotel/Hostel in Saint Malo
£80 ferry from Saint Malo to Portsmouth
(plus lots of food)
What sortof pace can I expect?
Riders will be encouraged to adopt a pace that’s comfortable for them. I’ll most likely be riding avg. 20-25km/h. However, if you want to form your own breakaway, fill your boots.
Hopefully we’ll have a large enough group overall that smaller groups naturally form around individuals’ most comfortable pace.
How much do I need to raise?
That’s totally up to you! There is no specific fundraising goal or obligation here, but we would suggest that you aim to raise around £500. If you’re not in a position to raise funds, a voluntary donation for taking part would be much appreciated.
How many people are doing it?
I don’t know yet! This is the first time I’ve coordinated anything like this. If we get 20 riders that’ll feel like an achievement, but it might just be me on my own… rolling off the ferry at the crack of dawn and apprehensively heading west.
Please note: this is a completely self-supported, self-sufficient ride. Riders will be responsible for making their own accommodation, travel, and meal arrangements, and participation is undertaken entirely at the risk of each rider. The Bike Project takes no responsibility for any participant in this ride.
Register your interest below… (no obligation) and I’ll send out an info pack towards the end of January.